I got in Scientology in 1983 and things were very, very different at that time. There was no RTC, no GAT, no Basics, no Congresses or ACCs, no IAS, no Quantum E-meter, no Tech Volumes or Admin Volumes like today, no AOSH ANZO, No Ideal Orgs, etc and in truth, the Church fought for its very existence each and every week. People may say different things are in present time, well, we have statistics in Scientology and I suggest you look at them.
Today, we have expansion. We have GAT and if you received auditing before GAT in 1996 then, if you were honest with yourself, you would say the auditing standards have improved dramatically. I know, I supervised a lot of pre-GAT auditors through their GAT training and I know just how much those auditors improved their ability when they went through their TRs, metering and GAT drills. Those auditors became better auditors and became able to BE perfect auditors.
Today, we have the IAS. Some friends and I drove over a 1000 kilometers to an event in Sydney when the IAS was first announced. WOW! What an event that was. The Church finally had a solution to the attacks that were aimed at the us in those days. Because of the IAS we had some certainty that we would continue to get Scientology if the SPs closed down the Church or parts of the Church. We, as members of the Church, had a dedicated organization that was actually fighting the suppressors of Scientology and freedom for Scientologists.
What a change it has been in those years—from relentless tax investigations to tax exemptions; from being arrested in some countries, by the police for being a Scientologist, to being welcomed by the police for our assistance in times of disaster. And from city government officials trying to close Scientology Orgs in their cities to standing on our podiums and opening them with us.
Don't believe rumor for one moment the Church is declining or in a worse state. Look at the statistics. How many Ideal Orgs did we have 10 years ago? How many auditors? How many VMs? How many people completed a course each week? How easy was it to get auditing or training 10 years ago? How many people, organizations or governments welcomed Scientologists in time of disasters?
No one supports Scientology but you, me and other Scientologists. So, don't be surprised when you are asked for support. As Scientologists we always knew we had a big job to do on this planet. Read KSW#1 if you have any questions on just how much we have to do.
Today, more people move up the Bridge and go OT than ever before and Taiwan is a powerhouse in this area. Taiwan has gone from nothing 10 or 15 years ago to spectacular statistics for people on the Bridge, going Clear and OT. With many more on or finished OTVII than countries that had Scientology from the first day LRH released it. The expansion in Taiwan is terrific. Taiwan has many, many people and statistics to be proud of and most all done without widespread translations in Chinese. Auditors and Solo Auditors who have done most of their training in a foreign language called English and made the grade with spectacular results. Taiwanese have made Clear and OT despite all the barriers. Taiwanese Scientologists can be very proud of their accomplishments.
Scientologists know that they are the one who decide their own fates. LRH has given all who wish to look a way to improve their fates. As an OTVII, a Class VI C/S and a Professor of Scientology, I wish to tell you that your future is in your hands. If you want to know more then ask an OT about OT, or an L's completion about the L's, a Clear about going Clear, a pc about a win they had in session, or maybe a student about a win they had clearing a word or knowledge gained on course.
Personally, I love Scientology. I have seen the results and you can't convince me otherwise. From my own auditing on OT levels, to auditing others, to something as simple as helping someone clear a misunderstood word, False Data Stripping someone or handling another's stuck ethics condition, I have seen amazing results never gotten before in this universe.
I validate each and every Taiwanese who call themselves Scientologists. I respect you more than you could possibly know. The oppositions you overcome are much more than others or myself and you still advance and make your goals. Keep going and look at the results for yourself. Straight LRH technology is the ONLY way out and altering it in any way will not do it. Read KSW#1. Listen to RJ67.
You have your chance to improve yourself and make a better you. I know a person can improve because I know where I came from, where I am and where I am going. I hope you do too.
Don't be swayed by others telling you their truths. It is their reality. LRH says what is “true.” It is what is true for you. Look to LRH for answers and see if it is true for you. I have and found he has never lead me wrong and always lead me right.
All the very best in your endeavors for the future.
Kevin Woodford 張凱文 (現在OT七,六段C/S)